Animations of Six UV Ceti (flare) stars
Multi-epoch animations for six UV Ceti (flare) stars. Because they are red dwarf stars, the known UV Ceti stars are confined to the immediate solar neighborhood. Many such stars have relatively large proper motions. Among the UV Ceti stars, WX UMa has the largest proper motion -- over five arcseconds per year. This means that charts for these stars must be updated occasionally to reflect their changing positions.
The following blinking images show the positions of six flare stars in the DSS1 and DSS2.
WX UMa. DSS1 image ca. 1956; DSS2 image ca. 1997. A note about this star: as the published finder chart mentions, the variable is actually the fainter component of the binary-- WX UMa B, whose quiescent magnitude is about 13.5. If you observe the brighter component, please report your observations using the designation 1100+44; if you observe the fainter component, use the designation 1100+44B. |
UV Cet. DSS1 image ca. 1978; DSS2 image ca. 1996. |
EV Lac. DSS1 image ca. 1956; DSS2 image ca. 1989. Note that EV Lac is the brighter of a pair of stars near the center of the image. EV Lac is now the southwestern star of the pair. |
AD Leo. DSS1 image ca. 1956; DSS2 image ca. 1999. This star may be difficult to observe due to the very bright star, gamma Leonis, within the field. |
YZ CMi. DSS1 image ca. 1956; DSS2 image ca. 1997. |
V371 Ori. DSS1 image ca. 1983; DSS2 image ca. 1990. This star has the lowest proper motion of the six shown here (about 0.2 arcseconds/yr), and the two images are separated by only seven years, so the proper motion is difficult to see. V371 Ori lies very close to two other faint stars in the center of the field, and is the brightest and southernmost of the three. |