Like many nonprofit organizations, AAVSO uses a retail partnership with Amazon wherein Amazon purchases made through a link from the AAVSO website partly benefit AAVSO. I, personally, do not do much business with Amazon, and make a point of buying my books from independent sellers.
You are probably aware that the publisher Hachette is in a dispute with Amazon over pricing of eBooks. In this matter, Amazon is clearly using its near-monopoly power in predatory manner to the detriment of those who write and publish books, which includes the scientific community. I would be interested to hear a discussion of our association with Amazon in the light of this behavior.
Hachette has attorneys and funds to defend its own interests. Individual members can decide whether to patronize Amazon, with or without AAVSO as intermediary.
I think there is more information that the membership should be aware of in this discussion.
The Council has been told that the revenue from purchases made on Amazon through the AAVSO link are used almost exclusively to pay for the cloud services that the AAVSO contracts from Amazon. Those cloud services include VPHOT storage and, I think, large chunks of the website.
I agree with the other comment that individual members can decide if they want to shop Amazon or not.
If there is a strong feeling among the membership about our other business arrangement with Amazon (contracting cloud services), I think people should express that so that the Council is aware of it. But at the same time that is a much more complicated issue since Amazon provides us services we rely on heavily to serve our membership.
As a Council member I haven't given that much thought and I'd like to hear if others have strong opinions.
All businesses operate to benifit their business with, as we all do, self interest. If I were to exclude all businesses that made decisions that offended me, I would be very isolated right now. My only exception was Exon. After the Exon valdez incidant, I waited for the company to take responsibility and do the right thing, they did not, so I have boycotted as well as I can. But that only goes so far, as the company ties, subsequet buyouts, and merges, makes it extremely difficult.
My conclusion, evey company will operate in their own self interest, even the publisher Hachette. Let them work it out. Amazon was books, now it is a retail giant. It will push around other companies (much like Walmart, you shop at Walmart???) to get the best price for its bottom line, and ultimately the customers.…
I am not trying to defend American Business practises. But name just one major company that does not have some problem with a segment of the public. If you have a problem with Amazon over this, I do not. I have more of a problem with corporations purchasing product from sweatshops in buildings that should be condemned, under work conditions that are to western standards, inhumane. Because of that I do not shop at Walmart. But do I demand everyone stop, no. To me what Amazon is doing is part of business, you may not like it, but it is business as usual. Nothing to see here, just move on.
While this is an
While this is an interesting conversation, the ethics of aren't really on-topic for any part of our discussion forum. As such I'll be closing this thread after this post.