AAVSO Bulletin 79 for 2016 published

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 02/25/2016 - 22:32

AAVSO Bulletin 79 for 2016 has been published. This publication contains predicted dates of maxima and minima of 381 long period variable stars for January 2016 through February 2017. Please use the Bulletin and related materials to plan your observing program.

Good observing!

Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
LPV Excel file


I appreciate all the time and effort that went into the LPV excel file; I just find it difficult to look thru it all to find what to observe.

I have developed a Excel worksheet w/macros that will take this year's current CVS file (and future ones too if the format stays the same) extract the first two max/min for each star, calc's a previous Epoch and then using any date entered will sort thru the database and list out which stars are observable within any number of days the user wishes.  I included a short readme file there also with more detailed info on using the file.

Since I can not upload it here; if you are interested, please contact me off line and I will email it to you.

I have run thru it a number of times and I think all the bugs are out of it.
I offer it to all of you to try out and see if it makes the star selection easier.

John R

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Interactive Version

I have again updated my interactive version of the Bulletin. It includes the date when the variable's sequence was last revised in some way. You can download the program (for Mac) from http://tcbretl.weebly.com/astronomy.html. Unfortunately I am currently having trouble getting the Windows version to work. (Found a bug in the Mac version and fixed it on 5/6/16.)