AAVSO Bulletin №82 ?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 03/08/2019 - 13:33

Good day. Colleagues do not tell me where you can find the highs and lows of Mirid for 2019? There used to be a bulletin, it came out at the end of February, but now on March 8 and it is not ... By the way, all women on a holiday !!!!

Madrid Astronomical Association M1 (Spain) (AAM)
What happens with 2019 Bulletin.

We are making useless observations since  we do not know whether we will be able to see the variable using  small aperture telescopes. We need urgently the bulletin !!!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Still no Bulletin?

As we move deeper into 2019 it will get more difficult to effectively plan for observations. I sent an e-mail as well last week but no reply. Is everything OK? We need the bulletin or at least to know if there have been any problems in getting this published. Please advise as to the status and eventual expected publication of Bulletin 82.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
AAVSO Bulletin 82 (2019) status

Dear Observers,

The AAVSO Council decided to suspend production of the AAVSO Bulletin for 2019 (Bulletin 82). This decision was made as a result of having limited staff resources available at AAVSO HQ and having to complete certain projects in 2019.

We recognize that not having the Bulletin makes it more difficult to plan the observation of long period variables, and we apologize for this. There is a table of predicted maxima/minima of bright (magnitude 8 or brighter at maximum) long period variables for 2019 provided by the AAVSO in the RASC Observer's Handbook.

Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ


Svensk Amator Astronomisk Forening, variabelsektionen (Sweden) (SAAF)

On the Swedish variable stars site SVO http://var.astronet.se there is a list with the brightest miras on the northern hemisphere right now. The list is updated each day and shows miras with estimated magnitude over 11 and list estimated dates of maximum and current magnitude.. The list has the heading "Aktuella miror". Maybe it could be of some use when the Bulletin is not available.


This is hughly disappointing not only that the bulletin is going away but the way in which it was handled.  I'm sure glad that I put in all that time to customize it for my needs only to see it disappear.

Thank you Thomas for your suggestion of a replacement.


Rede de Astronomia Observacional (Brazil) (REA)


I am using a table that  I  made using  Max/2018 (AAVSO) and the  period of each star.

I have ready tables for  Apr, May and June...Soon I will have for following months...

If someone want a copy,  please send me a mail.

Carlos Adib (ACN)







Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
Discourage visual observers

I think this the way of the AAVSO to discourage visual observers so they can switch to photomerty cheeky

It's no secret that the visual observations no longer are at the toplist of the AAVSO.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

I was disappointed to see the AAVSO will no loger be providing the LPV Bulletin. In my humble opinion,  the elimination of this tool does send a mixed message. 

Steve Toothman TST

Nucleo de Estudo e Observacao Astronomica - Jose Brazilicio de Souza (Florianopolis, Brazil) (NEOA-JBS)
Dear friends,

Dear friends,

I used Bulletin preditions to my Astronomical Yearbook since 2015. (http://geocities.ws/costeira1/aac.htm). I created a single xls file to predict next maximum but it needs to entry last max date. So, the question now is "how to know the last maximum for several LPV?"

with regards,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Bulletin 82 help

I have created an app that predicts 2019 max and mins for variables north of dec -20 that were included on previous Bulletins. You can download it from my Syzygy Shareware website at tcbretl.weebly.com. Go to the bottom of the Astronomy page. Both Mac and PC versions are available, but I have no idea whether the PC version works! I have only a Mac to use for testing sad

Anonymous (not verified)
Bulletin 82 help

Downloaded the PC version to my laptop...yes it works fine!! I'm a Mac guy, so will be heading to my desktop Mac to load it there too. Been exploring photometry this summer and LPVs have been my targets of choice. This will be a wonderful addition to my software tools. Thanks so much!!

Jamey Jenkins

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Bulletin 82 Help

Hi Thomas,

I dowloaded your prolonged Bulletin on my pc with windows10 operative system. It works very well.

Thank you very much for your work.

Tiziano Colombo

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

I still dont understand why is no longer Bulletin published. Why?