January 15, 2018
Event: Nova in Musca - Nova Muscae 2018 = PNV J11261220-6531086
Discovered by: Rob Kaufman (Bright, Victoria, Australia)
Discovery magnitude: 7.0 V (on four frames, using Canon 650D and 55mm lens)
Discovery date: 2018 January 14.4861 UT
Coordinates (2000.0): R.A. 11 26 15.16 Decl. -65 31 23.3
Position from VSX; measured by Daniel Bamberger (Marburg, Germany) on frames taken by Robert Fidrich (Bakonycsernye, Hungary).
Spectra: Low-resolution spectroscopy indicating that PNV J11261220-6531086 is an FeII-type classical nova was obtained by Rob Kaufman on 2018 January 14.6035 UT. His spectrum is here:
Observing recommendations: Observations of all types (visual, CCD, DSLR, spectroscopy) and multiple bands (BVI in particular) as instrumentation permits are strongly encouraged as the nova evolves.
Observations reported to the AAVSO:
2018 Jan. 14.92620 UT, 6.714 TG +/-0.012 (D. Blane, Henley-on-Klip, South Africa);
15.19700, 6.85 (S. Otero, Buenos Aires, Argentina; visual obs);
15.3887, 6.5: V (J. Hambsch, Mol Belgium; image overexposed);
15.3887, 7.1: B (Hambsch; image overexposed);
15.51, 6.60 V (A. Henden, AAVSOnet BSM_S data; V obs nearly saturated);
15.51, 7.10 V (Henden, AAVSOnet BSM_S data);
15.54372, 6.7 (D. Benn, Klemzig, S. Australia);
15.57, 6.3: R (E. Guido and A. Noschese, remotely using iTelescope Observatory, Siding Spring; via TOCP);
15.57932, 6.974 V +/-0.001 (A. Pearce, Nedlands, W. Australia);
15.67277, 7.507 B +/-0.002 (Pearce);
15.71, 7.4: V (A. Valvasori, Siding Spring; via CBET 4472);
Charts: Charts with a comparison star sequence for PNV J11261220-6531086 may be created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP). Observers are cautioned that there is a magnitude 15.2 star 6" to the S. The name Nova Mus 2018 is being added to VSX; once it has been added, charts may be made using that name.
Submit observations: Please submit observations to the AAVSO International Database using the name PNV J11261220-6531086. The name Nova Mus 2018 is being added to VSX; once it has been added, observations should be submitted using that name. Once a formal GCVS name is announced in an IAU Circular or CBET, please use that name.
a. Designated PNV J11261220-6531086 when posted to the IAU Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Transient Object Confirmation Page (TOCP). Unless otherwise noted and except for observations reported to the AAVSO, the information in this Alert Notice is taken from IAU CBET 4472.
b. P. Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany) reports that according to ASAS-SN Sky Patrol observations (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K) and using the position determined by Bamberger, this nova eruption apparently began between 2018 January 1.25 and 3.24 UT (maximum brightness V = 8.8 mag on Jan. 3.24 UT): https://asas-sn.osu.edu/light_curves/87fd7dc5-af64-42aa-9f2e-59b05de938f9
d. Position end figures
- R. Kaufman (2018 January 14.4861 UT; discovery image): 12.20s, 08.6"
- E. Guido and A. Noschese (iTelescope Observatory, Siding Spring, 2018 Jan. 15.57 UT): 14.95s, 24.1".
- A. Valvasori (2018 Jan. 15.71 UT): 14.94s, 24.9"
e. P. Schmeer reports a Gaia DR1 source (G = 18.02 mag) is located 1.3" from Bamberger's position. Also, S. Otero (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in VSX identifies star Gaia DR1 5237407060614222336 (G = 18.0) at 11 26 15.00 -65 31 24.2 (2015.0) as a likely counterpart. He notes that the area is crowded.
f. Images
- R. Kaufman (Bright, VIC, Australia, 2018 Jan. 14.4861 UT; discovery image): http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww271/Rob_Kau/PNV%20J11261220-6531086%2014%20Jan%202018%20crop%20text.jpg
- E. Guido and A. Noschese (iTelescope Observatory, Siding Spring, 2018 Jan. 15.57 UT): http://bit.ly/2DhOSKp
-A. Valvasori (2018 Jan. 15.71 UT): https://flic.kr/p/228Xp46
g. Animation by E. Guido and A. Noschese (2018 Jan. 15.57 UT), comparing their image above with archive POSS2/UKSTU Red plate (1998-03-19): http://bit.ly/2mHn353
Congratulations to Rob Kaufman on his latest discovery!
This AAVSO Alert Notice was compiled by Elizabeth O. Waagen.
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