AAVSO Abstracts 1951 - 1971

This is part of our ongoing series to highlight new features of the new AAVSO web site.

Matt Templeton scanned all of the abstracts and put them online in PDF format. The abstracts cover items presented at meetings, but often include much more info than a modern day abstract. For example, the last issue includes abstracts that are over 3 pages long, meeting memories, history of the AAVSO articles and even a poem! Here is his description of the abstracts from the first paragraph on the web page:

The AAVSO Abstracts were an informal publication compiled by R. Newton Mayall, running from 1951 to 1971.  The Abstracts served as a record of talks given at AAVSO meetings as well as a venue for AAVSO members and observers to share information and other material with the membership.  They are a mixture of scientific research talks, observing program descriptions, technical and engineering talks, and informal social talks.  Importantly, they also provide a historic record of invited talks at AAVSO meetings given by members of the astronomical research community.

If you are interested in the history of variable star observing and/or the AAVSO, check out this rich new collection of material. It includes some of the first published work by some young astronomers who later went on to become quite famous and respected in the field.

The page URL is: http://www.aavso.org/aavso-abstracts-1951-1971