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The mission of the AAVSO is to enable anyone, anywhere to participate in scientific discovery through variable star astronomy. 


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AAVSO at a Glance

Variable Star Observations in Database:

6 7 , 7 0 7 , 9 2 5 and Counting ...

Last Observation Received:

5 min 44 sec ago by SBQ - Brian Scott (US)

SY Cnc   Mar 23.1006   13.649TG

Plot SY Cnc light curve

Our Stellar Partners

orange circle with with snake next to the words "The Astropy Project"

Diffraction Limited logo of a swirled circle with text: Diffraction: Astronomy + Scientific Imaging SolutionsIm

Chroma Technology logo: the word chroma goes through a bright rainbow-colored hoop

Black outline of an intricately dressed being with accentuated features